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What are the benefits of giving up alcohol

What are the benefits of giving up alcohol

There are so many people who drink alcohol occasionally, but there are others who drink moderate amounts of alcohol regularly. Sometimes it takes a lot to get motivated to change...

Signs of internet addiction disorder

Signs of internet addiction disorder

OverviewFor centuries, there are a lot of types of addictions. Addiction is actually very common thing. It can also be mention that human beings are addicted to a lot of...

Quit smoking today easier than ever

Quit smoking today easier than ever

OverviewSmoking is one of the most famous bad habits of toady, but it also has a great history. It is one of the most effective stimulus beside the alcohol and...

Facts about nicotine you might not know

Facts about nicotine you might not know

After Christopher Colombo brought tobacco to Europe, Europeans started to use tobacco as a cure for irritability, fatigue and headache.Psychologists say that the calming effect gained by smoking is not...

Therapy for substance abuse

Therapy for substance abuse

Various people are addicted to different substances such as tobacco, alcohol and even drugs. Many of them end up in hospitals and emergency rooms after these abused substances damage their...