Losing extra pounds can be done in two basic ways, with the helpof exercising and with the help of a diet. If applied properly, bothmethods can be very effective, and if the right combination is used, theresults can be even more impressive.
There are many different sorts of diets in the world today, butthey are all based on one thing – reduced number of the calories. Each calorierestriction diet plan must contain enough nutrients for satisfying the basicneeds of the organism, but not too much, because that will disrupt the fatburning process. This process begins when the intake of calories is notproducing enough energy for all daily activities, including the exercising.There are two forms of dieting, a fast diet and a healthy balanced diet. Bothare based on reduced intake of calories, although reduced value of calories ismuch higher in fast diets.
FAD diets
Fast or fad diets usually last for about two weeks. This is themaximum, because fast diets are not one hundred percent healthy. What does thatmean? When extra energy is needed, it is acquired from glycogen from itsreserves. When glycogen is depleted, fat burning process start. Sometimes, thisprocess also affects proteins, and some toxic substances can be created, whichcan be very harmful. Usually, the calories intake is based on proteins, whilecarbs and fats are reduced to minimum. Perfect example of this diet is Atkinsdiet, which is great for all those who enjoy meat. Level of carbohydrates isvery low, just enough to satisfy organism's basic needs and therefore, the dietmight be very effective.
The only problem with this and similar diets is that after it isover, another diet must be started. This time it is something less strict andwith higher value of calories, but it is still a controlled eating. The reasonwhy it is very important is related to the fact that many people return to oldeating habits after fast diet is gone and in that case, the lost pounds mightreturn after a while.
Healthy, balanced diet is asecond type of diets and it is much more suitable for those people who areprepared to completely change their bad eating habits. Caloriesrestriction diet plan must include healthy food simply because the amount ofenergy gained is low, so food inserted must contain vitamins and minerals asmuch as possible. So, it is obvious that fruits and vegetables mustbe consumed in large quantities.
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