When thinking about weight loss reduction, people will haveto take into consideration a fact that for a permanent loss, fast diets are notmuch helpful. What does that actually mean?
Fast diets
Fast diets are all about losing a lot of weight in a matterof no more than couple of weeks. Experts say that dieting longer than thismight be bad for one's health. How it that possible? In order for weight to bereduced, a fat burning process has to start. For that to happen, much fewer caloriesthan needed should be inserted in the body. This great difference in amounts ofcalories needed and inserted with food has to be somehow compensated withadditional energy. That additional energy is gotten from glucose that came fromthe fat tissue. In those moments, another process is present and that isketosis. Some of the products of this process can be very dangerous, especially for certain organs, such as brain. People who get affected by this process fora long time become nervous and even disorientation might occur. This has tostop at this point because it might even lead to some further complications.
Balanced meals
This is why balanced, normal diets are much healthier andshould be used instead of fast diet. Some weight reduction planning actuallyincludes both diets, first a fast diet and after that, when a lot of pounds islost, normal and healthy eating/diet should replace finished fast diet. When itcomes to meals, all nutrients should be included, even calories fromcarbohydrates, which were reduced in a fast diet. When it comes to nutrients, ithas to be said that weight reduction depends on the ratio of the nutrients.Normally, the highest value of calories comes from carbs, while proteins are on asecond place, with fats being minimally used. 5 meals should create a menu,three meals and two snacks. Vegetables and fruits should be used in high amounts;these types of food contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Meat should be usedmoderately, while fish is also great and should be taken couple of timesweekly. One of the most delicious fish, if well prepared of course, is salmon.One serving of salmon produces about 280 calories. Leaving proteins and fatsaside, there are so many vitamins and minerals in salmon that it really must bepresent in a menu (vitamin A, C, E, B6, B12, calcium, iron etc.).
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