Only one thing is actually needed when a person wants toreduce weight with dieting, and that is positive thinking. Losing weight is nota fast process, it will take some time, patience and sacrifice. Since thoseextra pounds did not come over night, surely they cannot be eliminated in amatter of days. Dieting, exercising, supplements and a strong mind are neededto succeed.
Two basic forms of diets can be used and one of them is a fast, crashor a fad diet. This type of diet usually lasts for a short time, not more thancouple of weeks. Reason for that is in a fact that fast diets are not as healthyas diets should be, and they are certainly less healthy than the other type, a slow, balanced diet. Thisis because these diets are based on a very low intake of calories, which isachieved by significantly reducing the intake of carbohydrates or fats, orboth. Since those are the main sources of energy, it is obvious that body needs tofind additional energy sources and that is fat tissue. Fat burning process mightalso create some side products, which are potentially dangerous for theorganism. Those toxins are especially threatening for the brain and the cellsincluded in bloodstream. This is why these diets should not last very long.It has to be admitted, fast diets are effective, a lot of pounds are lost thisway, but the real problem might occur once a diet is over. After the diet, ittakes a lot of will and mental strength not to return to the old eating habits.If that happens, lost pounds will be regained fast.
Atkins diet is an excellent example of the fast diets. It isbased on a very low intake of carbohydrates, which means that all that actuallycan be taken are proteins and fats minimally. Since proteins create majority offood, that means that all sorts of meat can be eaten. It looks like this dietis excellent for meat lovers. This diet has been popular couple of years ago,but because of the unhealthy part of it, it lost the popularity, which wasregained again in the last year or two. So,Atkins diet combined with positive thinking should be enough for a good start.After initial great loss of pounds, normal, healthy eating must take place andit should be used for a long time.
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