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Soft tissue rheumatism

Soft tissue rheumatism

Medical problem called rheumatism causes problems in the connective tissue and the joints, but the medicine does not use this name any more. Now we have the name fibromyalgia syndrome...

Cramps during period

Cramps during period

Some women go through a hell every month when they get their menstruation. They experience an excruciating pain, which disables them to carry on with their normal lives. They often...

Health benefits of apples

Health benefits of apples

Apples are one of the most popular fruits. They come in many varieties and are rich in many important nutrients. Apples should be consumed on a daily basis if you...

Breast duct blocked

Breast duct blocked

About blocked ductBlocked duct is a problem that is often confused with an inflammatory condition called mastitis, since both involve milk ducts in breasts.In this case, there is a lump...

Chronic lower back pain

Chronic lower back pain

People who never experience back pain at least once during their entire life are extremely rare. It is pretty common for people to suffer from back pain every once in...

Evening primrose oil for fertility

Evening primrose oil for fertility

Evening Primrose Oil is a product about which there are many claims with regard to fertility and pregnancy. Evening Primrose Oil contains something known as Gamma Linolenic Acid. This acid...

Searching for chemical free cosmetics?

Searching for chemical free cosmetics?

Chemical-Free CosmeticsChemicals can be found in every product that humans use. They can be dangerous and cause a lot of problems, which is why people are turning to natural and...

Hair myths about sedu hair styles

Hair myths about sedu hair styles

Once we start speaking about sedu hairstyles, many people will claim that these do not exist, saying that completely flat hair is nothing more than a myth. In fact, myths...