Losing weight is a process of elimination of fat tissue and theonly way in which it can be done is through fat burning process. This processstarts when there is not enough energy in the organism for a normalfunctioning. It has to be said that this energy can also be gained due to the destruction of muscle tissue, which is a result of some unhealthy diets. Therefore,increased physical activity is the most natural way when fighting obesity.There are numerous workout types and one of the more interesting and also safeand healthy methods is water exercise – aquatic therapy.
Water is effective because it is creating certainresistance. Water has its density and that creates an obstacle, resistance whena person makes any kind of motion in water. This is what burns extra amountof energy and what makes water exercise one of the most effective therapies forburning fat tissue. Water exercise – aquatic therapy can be formed in severalways, although most of it is based on cardio workout.
Cardio is based on moving the entire body and activatingmost of the muscle groups. Outside water, cardio workout includes running,aerobic forms (jazzercise, step aerobics etc.), pilates, yoga and similar. While in water,almost all motions can be performed, and walking, running, and many aerobic exercises can be performed with the body on different levels of depths.Of course, as the level of water goes up and more of the body is in the water,the exercising becomes more difficult.
Water exercise - aquatic therapy is safer than any otherworkout type because risks of some injuries are greatly reduced in water. This goesfor sprains and injuries of joints. Usually, people with obesity issues have problems with ankles or knees at some point because of the increasedweight. This may happen without any activity present, and can be furthercomplicated when some exercising starts. Also, if warm up and stretching in atraining session is not done properly, there might be some muscle problems(sprains, cramps). These problems do not exist while working in water. When itcomes to joints, problems are avoided with the fact that practitioner feels alot lighter and there is no pressure on joints. As for muscles, while in water,all the motions performed are much slower and this reduces the possibility of sprainor spasms. If possible, everyone should try out exercising in water. Thereis no drawback, only benefits.
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