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We can say that there are the two basic types of workout, thosethat are all about cardio exercises and those that are all about buildingmuscle mass.

Cardio workout

Experts say that cardio exercises are the best for making afit body, for reducing the fat tissue and for creating an overall healthyorganism. Exercises included in this type of workout are running and swimming.Those are common motions, something that we perform normally and those two justmight be the safest and best fat burners when it comes to exercising. If lackof space and time does not allow for those to be performed, then some aerobicscan be done. Forms in aerobics are light, do not require too much strength, andthey can be repeated many times, which is the basic of cardio workout. Theultimate cardio workout would be something in the line of triathlon, whichincludes running followed by swimming and by riding a bicycle. Onlywell prepared athletes can endure this type of competition. Mechanism of cardioworkout revolves around the use of oxygen. Since the forms are slow and light,there is enough time for oxygen to be involved in the process of muscle workingmechanism.

Muscle building

That is not happening with anaerobic forms. Anaerobicexercises facts tell us that while exercising, there is no time for oxygen toenter the muscle functioning process. This is because exercise is performedquickly and a lot more strength is needed for performing. This results in creation of lactic acid, which does not allow indefinite exercising because itinduces muscle tiredness. This is excellent for building muscle mass, but it isnot so good for fat reduction process, although a lot of energy is needed forperforming the exercises. Muscle mass building in order to be continuous, needsadditional increase of the additional weight. Adding more weight must be doneeach time a practitioner feels that lifted weight is not that heavy.


Some experts say that those who perform aerobic cardioexercises could implement non-aerobic exercises in order to further improvestrength and endurance. This combination might be strenuous and intensive, butis an excellent thing to do when it comes to creating a perfectly healthy andshaped body. In order to reach that state, supplements should be used inboth types of exercising. Those supplements include fat burners, muscle massgainers, energy boosters, vitamins, cocktails etc. Also, a healthy diet isneeded for the results to be the best possible.

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