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There are several things in life that should be avoided asmuch as possible, and some vices definitely belong to those things, especiallythose that endanger the health of a person. Those would be smoking, usingalcohol, eating too much, eating bad food, not being physically active and wemight also add being stressed, since it is an inducer of a number of medical conditions. The problemwith people is that, in time, they convince themselves how their vice isnothing that bad and that it will not harm them. For example, take for an example the questionthey ask when someone advices them to stop smoking if it is really worth it? They say that stress is too big in their lives and that they needcigarettes, they say that cigarette is the only thing they do to indulgethemselves, they cannot think a day without nicotine, etc.

The benefits

For all those who are not certain what to think aboutsmoking, let it be crystal clear – smoking will kill you! Perhaps not you, butstatistic is cruel, there are many people who died of cancer (lungs, throat)because of this problem. There are also some other, minor issues, such as badbreath, yellow teeth and fingers, not being able to sense the taste of food inmouth etc. Even though problematic, these things pale in front of malign tumorin the mentioned areas. The cancer will not attack immediately, since years and decadesare needed. There are cases of people who smoked more than two packs ofcigarettes daily and did not have any major problem, but those are exceptionsthat confirm a general rule that the risk of getting attacked by cancer increasesdrastically in people who smoke.

Eliminating the cigarettes

How can this be done? There are actually many methods foreliminating the nicotine from one’s life, but the most effective might be the cheapestone, so-called cold turkey. This is a method of suddenly stopping smoking. Nomore nicotine, no more health problems! And of course, this might prove to bethe toughest option. There is physical addiction, which will pass after twoweeks, but there is also mental addiction, which will be lurking the entire life.There are cases when people did not smoke for a decade, even more, and thenstarted again in a moment of dealing with great life stress. Also, people whosmoke have to be aware that they are not only poisoning themselves, but alsopeople around them. This might not be such a great deal when it comes to adults,but what about children, pregnant women, sick people? People who smoke shouldthink hard and take a good look at what they are doing and what might be theconsequences.

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