There are several vices people should try to avoid and one ofthose is cigarettes. Cigarettes can create a lot of problems in the organism,but basically, cancer is the most dangerous condition that might occur and itcan affect lungs, throat, esophagus etc. Even though there is not a direct relation,smoking increases the risk of colon cancer appearing.
The problem
This is the final condition that hopefully, will not happen.But there are other, less dangerous conditions. Those are breathing problems,because of the tar accumulation in the breathing passages. The result of chronic coughing could end with the creation of malign cells. Also, fingers and teeth become yellow with excessive smoking. Some people lose theirsmelling senses and therefore, they cannot enjoy food like before. It is true thatfatal condition needs decades of smoking, but unfortunately, this period isshortened with other cancer inducing factors (stress, alcohol, bad eating habitsetc.).
The solution
The problem with cigarettes is the addiction, both physicaland mental. It is said that physical addiction can be eliminated in a matter offew weeks, which is great. The problem is with the mental addiction, whichnever disappears completely. Some people stop smoking and still feel the urgefrom time to time, even decades after quitting smoking. There are severalmethods for dealing with smoking. Some say that the most effective way issimply to stop using cigarettes, without any additional help. But many peoplecannot do that, simply because smoking is usually not the only problem inpeople’s lives. Some use anti smoking medicaments like Zyban, some use patches,light cigarettes, psychotherapy, hypnosis, brain surgery, acupuncture etc.Brain surgery is used for completely eliminating the mental addiction.
Some medical experts recommend smokers to quit smoking withacupuncture. Acupuncture is focusing the mental addiction, cravings and all thosesymptoms that occur when people stop smoking. Those are nervousness, restlessness,even depression. It relaxes the person, which is also beneficial for a personwho is trying to quit this habit. It is also important to try to avoid places with people who smoke and also to surround themselves with people who do not smoke and peoplewho can give a lot of support. Mental addiction is tricky, it cannot be dealtwith so easily and it is always lurking, and attacks when people do not expect it. As unbelievable as it may sound, it is common for manypeople who quit smoking to begin to dream about smoking.
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