Drinking and Getting Drunk
Some people claim that they easily get drunk from only smelling alcohol. On the other hands, we have extremes which say that they cannot get drunk even after intoxicating themselves with doses enough to make 3 individuals fall unconscious. In reality, there is a high likelihood that both of these claims are false since there is a specific pattern alcohol follows once it leaves your body. The speed of getting sober and the amount of alcohol you can drink depends on your muscle and fat mass, your sex and several other factors. Usually, it takes a person about one hour to burn a single alcoholic drink of a regular quantity. In other words, we burn about 0.16 BAC an hour, regardless of our intake. However, if you drink enough to exceed 0.24 BAC level, you are likely to experience blackouts, motion difficulties etc. Then, you will have alcohol in your blood for at least 10 hours after the last drink. Therefore, there are no quick fixes for alcohol exposure. It is gone when it is gone, and it will remain in your blood regardless if you drink coffee or try other magical tricks to get “clean”.
Removing Alcohol From Your Body
Your metabolism influences your alcohol absorption and the length of being affected by this drink. Also, there are several other factors which have an important role in this process. Firstly, women metabolize alcohol longer than men do, so it is bound to affect them more in larger quantities. Generally, if your drink only a one shot, you will be in order in two or three hours. Next, fat levels and overall body weight makes a difference, since the heavier we are, the better we absorb alcohol. Naturally, drinking a bottle of beer and drinking the whole pack is not the same. Thus, quantity matters quite a bit. Small amounts are expelled easy, through sweat, metabolism, urine, breath and many other methods. However, if you keep poisoning your organism constantly, it will be overwhelmed and incapable of processing alcohol. Therefore, the more you drink and the faster you drink, the worse your hangover will be and the longer will alcohol be present in your blood.
Finally, medications, type of beverage, the ingredients of it, hunger and fullness as well as many other factors all affect the effect of alcohol on your body. When planning on drinking quite a bit, you are best to eat at least an hour beforehand, since this will enable your organism a capability to absorb more alcohol more easily.
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