Many people drink and then realize that they should bedriving home or there is some blood or any other medical testing next day orso. Most of the food and drink we take stay in the body for some time. Exactly, howlong anything stays in depends on many factors.
When taking some alcoholic drink, your age, gender, weightand metabolism will decide how long it’s going to take to be completelymetabolized and excreted. Also, type and amount of alcohol, any food you haveeaten before or with the drink(s), stress and used medications also affect the metabolismof alcohol. It is a known fact that men metabolize alcohol mush faster thanwomen (in general).
A person usually takes one hour to metabolize one unit ofalcohol (or 10ml of pure alcohol). For comparison, a 330ml can of 7% alcoholic beerhas about 2.3 units of alcohol. It means that your body needs over 2 hours toprocess the alcohol from this one beer can.
Alcoholics and people that drink often process much higher amountsof alcohol than others, because they tend to develop alcohol tolerance. Organismof a social drinker will contain alcohol for the next 10 to 12 hours, afterdrinking. If this person drinks every day, it may happen that alcohol remains inthe organs even for a whole week.
Alcohol Metabolism
When you drink alcohol it passes through the stomach andintestines into the blood. Several liver enzymes metabolize alcohol, includingalcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and cytochrome P450. Liver metabolizes almost allconsumed alcohol, but there are remains of unprocessed alcohol. These non-metabolizedtraces of alcohol are found in sweat, urine and breath and are tested when thepolice stops you somewhere in the traffic.
Studies reveal that women can drink 2 to 3 units of alcoholevery day, and this amount won’t harm them. Men are advised to drink less than 3to 4 units of alcohol per day. Everything more than these doses could cause serioushealth problems.
The condition of your liver can significantly affect alcoholmetabolism in your body. Healthy liver produce enough enzymes and that personcan safely take a drink or two. Liver problems cause much slower metabolism ofall toxins, including alcohol. Because of that, alcoholics may suffer fromalcohol poisoning, heart damage and stomach problems.
When you decide to drink, be smart. Know how much and whatyou drink and eat something while sipping your cocktail or beer. Sometimes,drinking a non-alcoholic and alcoholic drink together may actually reduce theamount of alcohol you consume.
Don’t drink at all if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Even a glass of wine may cause harm to unborn children and babies.
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