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Too Much Alcohol

There are many people who consumealcohol now and then. However, most of us know that excessiveindulgence in these kinds of beverages can prove to be bad for ourhealth. Namely, alcohol can harm us in many different ways.Therefore, we need to be careful when we drink it and make sure weonly drink minimal amounts of it. Too much alcohol in our body caneven be deadly.

Some of the basic signs of alcoholintoxication involve certain symptoms visible on the person who drunktoo much. First of all, confusion and apparent deficiency of bothphysical and mental performance are quite common. Once a person getspoisoned by alcohol, his/her breathing slows down drastically, thebody temperature lowers and the skin becomes pale or bluish. Ofcourse vomiting is a common sign of having too much alcohol as well.Finally, having seizures and passing out completely add on to thelist of possible symptoms. However, before all these take place, youcan know that you, or someone else has drunk too much by mereobservation and count of the beverages drunk. This can help you reacttimely and seek help, either for yourself or for other people inneed.

How To Help an Intoxicated Person

If you happen to witness all or some ofthe above mentioned symptoms in a person, you should give your bestto help him/her since the life of this person may be seriouslyjeopardized. Moreover, if you find an intoxicated person unconscious,call an ambulance immediately. Do not leave these people alone sincethey might suffocate on their own vomit or die from many symptoms ofalcohol poisoning. Rather, stay at the spot and explain all the factsand symptoms you have witnessed, once the ambulance arrives.

Once hospitalized, the patient will bewell taken care of, until his/her body gets rid of all the alcoholconsumed. The person will be monitored and his/her recovery trackedcarefully. Dehydration is a common danger when poisoned by alcohol,so proper hydration will be conducted. Also, an adequate breathing is amust and this is an aspect which will be motivated in the patient. Ifthis is not the first time the person has been administered to ahospital for these reasons, he/she will be recommended alcoholrehabilitation program.

Finally, we should all be careful aboutour alcohol consumption. Each one of us reacts differently toalcohol, since metabolism, body weight and numerous other factorsinfluence our alcohol absorption capabilities. All in all, too muchalcohol is bad for you, and you should never test your limits withit.

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