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Opiates are substances which are created from opium poppy seed plant. Basically, these are narcotic opium alkaloids which can be produced as constituents of the plan or as certain compounds created from these constituents. Therefore, through this process, people make opiate drugs which are prescribed for treatment of pain and/or certain diseases. Also, this plant can be used for creating synthetic drugs like heroin, oxycodone and others. Naturally, the first mentioned type of drugs is made for medical purposes while the latter is created, distributed and used illegally.

Regardless, once you use any opiate drug for a longer period of time, you risk a chance of getting addicted. Once this takes place, you are bound to stay confined in your addiction, having quite some difficulties getting out.

Once You Stop Using Opiates

If you have developed an addiction to opiates and you suddenly decide to stop using them, your body and mind will react through numerous withdrawal symptoms. Everything from abdominal cramps and insomnia over agitation, depression and restlessness, as well as many other problems, all can strike during opiate withdrawal.

All these symptoms usually prevent people from staying away from opiates, forcing them to break under the pressure and use the drugs again. However, your chances of quitting can be significantly higher once you completely understand the whole withdrawal process and all of its stages. Then, you can predict the problems you will face and endure them readily.

The Process

Speaking of the period of time these drugs spend in your organism, you must know that this is relative. Namely, a lot of factors depend on the metabolism of the person on opiates. These substances dissolve in your blood quickly and reach your brain in no time. However, sometimes, they can accumulate in your body's fat cells, resting there, only to be activated once you start burning your body fat. Therefore, the recovery period also depends on your organism characteristics.

Nevertheless, heroin leaves your body after 1 to 4 days and mepedrine is gone after a day. Still, do not forget that these values can vary, depending on your physical health, age, body mass, the drug you have used as well as the amount of the opiate and its potency. Also, if you happen to be using specific drugs to help you deal with the withdrawal symptoms, this can influence the recovery as well.

Will the Drugs Appear on the Test?

The physical symptoms of opiate withdrawal fade away after about 3 days. However, the psychosomatic ones continue to bother you for three months more.

If you take the oral drug test 6-12 hours after using opiates, their presence will be detectable in your saliva. Additionally, the urine test will show opiate use, even if you took the drugs 2-5 days beforehand. Finally, the hair test is the most precise and it detects opiate usage even up to 3 months after the consumption.

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