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Making Sandwich

Sandwiches are a favorite amongst children and adults alike, as they are so diverse and everyday can bring a new filling. They are also a sneaky way of getting some goodness into your children without them getting suspicious. Even with the markets advertising the readymade plastic covered meals, people still enjoy a homemade sandwich with their own choice of fillings. Making the sandwich can be easy and fun for the children to take part in and they are much easier for catering to needs such as allergies, likes, dislikes and bizarre filling groupings. It is not just the filling you can alter to keep it interesting, you can also swap between sliced bread to baguettes to rolls to whole wheat. Below there are some ideas for your sandwich making as it is very easy to fall into the same filling routine.

Cheese and Tuna Sandwich Idea

This sandwich will consist of fifty grams of a hard grated cheese such as cheddar, two spring onions that are roughly chopped up, one medium tin of tuna, fresh black pepper for the seasoning, and one table spoon of mayonnaise if you like. You need to first put the tuna, cheese and spring onion into a bowl and mix it together with a fork, you can add the mayonnaise to the mix at this stage if you like this ingredient. Now you can combine the freshly ground black pepper and divide the mixture between the two slices of bread you have laid out in preparation or you can use baguettes or rolls.

Cottage Cheese and Onion Sandwich Idea

This filling idea will consist of two sticks of celery that is washed and roughly chopped up, one normal size tub of cottage cheese and two spring onions that are roughly chopped up as well as a little salt and pepper for seasoning. You will need to put the cottage cheese into a bowl for mixing and include the celery and the spring onion to combine with a fork. You can at this stage include the seasoning and now the easy filling is made you can spread it onto your bread of choice whether it be whole grain or white, baguette or roll.

Egg and Tomato Sandwich Filling Idea

This filling idea will consist of two eggs that have been hard boiled, two ripened tomatoes, salt and pepper, a little olive oil, and some fresh basil leaves. Firstly you need to deshell the eggs and slice them up so you can now arrange them neatly in your bread slices. Second stage is to slice the washed tomatoes and place them on top f the eggs you have arranged. The basil leaves can be torn and placed on top as well and then you can drizzle a little olive oil over it. Lastly simply sprinkle on the salt and the pepper.

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