Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There are so many variations for breakfast, some people like cereal, some toast and some muffins. If you are a muffin person and you tend to buy the muffin each morning from the local coffee shop, you are probably not doing yourself any good. There is an easy recipe for these healthy breakfast muffins that can include banana, plums, walnuts which will all provide you with some healthy nutrients to begin your day down the right path.
The Recipe for the Breakfast, Healthy Muffin - Ingredients
You will need to gather your ingredients which are one cup of apple sauce, quarter a cup of non fat milk, one egg, half a cup of wheat bran, three bananas that are mashed, three quarters of a cup of brown sugar, one and a half table spoons of vanilla extract, three quarters of a cup of flour, half a table spoon of baking soda, one table spoon of salt, two table spoons of baking powder, one table spoon of cinnamon, one cup of rolled oats, half a cup of chocolate chips, half a cup of copped up dried plums, half a cup of walnuts that are chopped up and spray oil. You will also need to get the bowls and the utensils as well as the twelve muffins tin.
Directions for Baking
Firstly you will need to unite the milk, apple sauce and the wheat bran and put to soak in a bowl for ten minutes maximum. Next you can pre heat the oven to three hundred and fifty degrees and spray oil onto the muffin tin. Now, you can mix together the mashed banana, vanilla, brown sugar and the egg, when it has been mixed you can add the bran concoction and set to one side. In another bowl you need to mix the baking soda, flour, baking powder, salt and the cinnamon and then combine it to the wet ingredients. Now you can mix the nuts, chocolate chips and the prunes to the rest of the ingredients. Finally you can put the batter mixture into the muffin tins and then put the tin into the oven in the center for around eighteen minutes. Once the time has elapsed you can put them onto a wire rack for cooling.
Tips for the Recipe
You can take out the chocolate chips to make it healthier. You can take out the milk and replace with more apple sauce and wheat bran. An egg substitute can also be used.
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