According to Istvan Jarvorek, a Romanian born strength coach who developed Dumbbell and Barbell Complex Conditioning, "the main purposes for these exercises were to figure out an easier way to do an exercise complex which would change the monotony of a workout and at the same time have a greater influence on the neuro-muscluar and osteo-muscular system."
In a nutshell, the Jarvorek Dumbbell Complex requires non-stop lifting of very light weights , cycling through a series of exercises that recruit major muscle groups. The routines may look easy, but even 2# and 3# dumbbells will be difficult for most beginners.
Javorek stresses the following: perfect body posture, full range of motion, perfect technique of execution, and stable rhythm of execution. Al recommends starting with 2 or 3 pound dumbbells. Here are the exercises used in Dumbbell Complex I:
Dumbbell Upright Row X 6 reps Dumbbell High Pull Snatch X 6 reps Dumbbell Squat Push Press X 6 reps Dumbbell Bent Over Row X 6 reps Dumbbell High Pull Snatch X 6 reps
The idea is to perform these exercises in non-stop, continuous order. Start with 1 set, increasing to 2-3 sets as you get stronger. For even greater stimulation increase the number of repetitions up to 12 each set or increase the weight. Finally you can use more advanced routines developed by Jarvorek.
As with all forms of training, consistency proper technique, and progression are important keys for optimal results.
- Photo courtesy of John Voo by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/138248475@N03/24118856332/
- staff.jccc.net/ijavorek/dumbbell.html
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