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When it comes to differences between men and women inexercising, it has to be said it is not so big anymore. This is because women tendto visit gyms regularly and properly just as men, and it can be said that the ratioof genders that enter the gym is about 50:50. This is a great thing because it means thatmore and more people are thinking about their physical shape.

Scheduling a workout

Workout schedules for women are more or less equal to thoseof men, except for the additional weight used. Also, most of the women prefercardio workout more than anything else. This is because cardio workout isfocusing more on the fat burning process than any other thing. Men are moreinto muscle mass building. Cardio is excellent for fat burning because of theslow muscle contractions needed for the execution of the exercises. Also, lowlevel of strength is needed for cardio and this enables a practitioner to exercisefor a long time. Oxygen is present in the muscle contraction process and thatis why cardio is called aerobic type of exercising. Oxygen prevents quickaccumulation of the lactic acid, which is directlyresponsible for the tiredness of the muscles, at least according to some theories.

For effective workout, a good schedule must be planned, which means there must be at least 4 training sessions a week, with two days left forresting and one day for cross training. Cross training is essential because itwill activate the same muscles a bit differently, and that will add more to thetoning effect. As for those four days, they should include cardio elements suchas running (treadmill), use of elliptical trainer, stretching and use of lowweights, usually in the form of dumbbells. Low weight dumbbells will notdisturb cardio nature of the training session but will help with increasing thestrength of the muscles.

The results

For reaching the best possible results, cardio should becombined with some resistance training. As already said, only light weightsshould be used and that will turn the training session towards creating leanmuscles. This means that exercises like dumbbell press and bicep curls shouldbe performed next to standard exercises. Core area should be focused too(abdominal area and corresponding back area). Sit ups, crunches and leg raisingshould be an important part of each training session. Also, although thatshould be used only when really necessary, the supplements like energy boosters andfat burners should be used.

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