When it comes to choosing a right training program, thereare several things that need to be taken into consideration. For example, thereis current physical state of the organism. This will tell the practitioner whatneeds to be focused and whether it is fat burning, certain muscle group, overall muscle groups,endurance or something else. Also, it is very important to think about desires of thepractitioner. A person must do what he or she likes, because exercising issomething that needs to be done over a long period, and it might become boringif performing certain exercises is not desirable. Still, some things have to bedone, regardless of the wishes and desires.
There are several types of workout that should be done.Cardio is excellent for fat burning because of the presence of the oxygen inthe muscle contraction process (aerobic exercises). This workout creates leanmuscles and reduces fat tissue. Another workout type that is widely used and popularis resistance training. This is a type of workout that uses additional weightin order to create resistance for muscle contraction to be performed. This resistancecan be very small, with some light dumbbells, but it can also be very hard andintensive, with using high amount of additional weight.
There are also several types of resistance training program and they are based on the way the weight is lifted. So, there is Olympic weightlifting,bodybuilding and regular, everyday use of increased weight for gaining some musclemass. Whichever is chosen, a hard work and a lot of time are needed to reach adesired perfection. Also, the process behind the muscle growth is quitesimilar, which means that for reaching up the bulked up effect, it is essentialto use additional weight but also to rest properly between the trainingsessions, because that is the time when muscles are actually growing. And whengrowth is mentioned, it is actually widening of the space between the muscularcells.
Lifted weight has to be raised from time to time. This isessential because at certain point, weight used will simply not be enough, which means that more is needed when a practitioner feels that the weight used so faris not a problem anymore. That is why the number of reps in a set is not sohigh, from 6 to 12. Weight has to be increased periodically, even if it meansreducing the number of repetitions in a set.
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