Long or irresponsible use of chicory root can develop irritating side effects. We will focus on this later on. Chicory is a wild herb also called coffee weed, blue dandelion, endive, and blue sailor.
Originally only found in England, it can now be found in Australia, North America, and Europe. The parts that are mostly used and needed are roots and leaves, and they are very popular regardless of their side effects. In Mediterranean countries and England, this herb is used as a coffee substitute.
Chicory Root as a Coffee Replacement
The main use for the leaves and roots is in meal preparation, such as vegetable salads and many others. In the winter and the fall, there is a special treatment for chicory cultivation, and this will create two chicory leaf types, which are "French Additive" and "Barbe de Capucin."

A drink is made from chicory roots that are roasted, ground, and brewed to be used as coffee. The bitterness of coffee and tea can be increased with the roasted chicory roots.
There are some probiotic and sedative properties of chicory, but they are also associated with relief from appetite loss, cardiovascular diseases, diarrhea, cancer, constipation, and several other diseases. Some side effects are associated with chicory, and we will see which.
However, chicory root can trigger various side effects in certain situations. Contact dermatitis is the most common one, while some other possible side effects are skin irritation, itching, and hives.
Direct contact is the most common way of detecting these side effects. We advise great caution when taking chicory supplements for those suffering from gallbladder diseases such as gallstones.
Also, see a doctor if you are taking some other medications even though no connection between some medications and chicory side effects has been made. Nursing women may experience some side effects, too.
Untimely menstruation can also be a side effect, along with the abortive and contraceptive effects discovered in research done on rats. Women who are breastfeeding or pregnant should see a doctor before using chicory.
Furthermore, loss of vision and blurred vision can be caused by the long-term use of chicory root. Therefore, you are advised to be very careful when opting to enjoy this plant.
- Chicory roots are used in the preparation of a bitter drink as a substitute for coffee in France and Japan, for example. People of all ages can drink the extract from chicory root, because it has noncaffeine ingredients. Chicory inulin also has the potential to replace dietary fat, resulting in decreased calorie intake. When inulin is mixed with water or any other aqueous liquid, it forms a colloidal suspension providing a white, creamy emulsion.
- Inulin, one of the fructooligosaccharides, is a linear fructose polymer with ?(2?1) glycosidic linkages. Inulin is nondigestible, fully soluble, and widely found in nature in a variety of plants and in some bacteria and fungi. Some of the plants containing inulin are leeks, onions, garlic, asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, yacón, and chicory.
- Inulin has various pharmacological effects. For example, the addition of inulin to a moderately high-carbohydrate low-fat diet has a beneficial effect on plasma lipids by decreasing hepatic lipogenesis and plasma triacylglycerol concentrations. In a clinical study of women with type 2 diabetes, inulin supplementation (10 g/d) for 2 months improved fasting plasma glucose (FPG), insulin, and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels, and decreased malondialdehyde levels compared with maltodextrin supplementation.
- Another study reported that ingestion of inulin (12 g/d) for 2 weeks was well tolerated by adult participants and led to a significant improvement of bowel movements with a minimum effect on fecal microflora, however, a slight increase in Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus was noted in participants who had average fecal levels of Bifidobacterium and low fecal frequency.
- In this study, we examined the effects of chicory root extract on blood glucose, lipid metabolism, and fecal properties in 47 healthy adult participants in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The participants were divided into a test group that drank chicory root extract and a placebo group that drank nonchicory root extract (ingesting 300 mL daily for 4 weeks).
- We performed hematological examinations and body composition measurements, and administered a visual analog scale (VAS) questionnaire for fecal properties at the baseline (Week 0) and after the intervention (Week 4) for the two groups. Although no significant differences in fasting plasma glucose or insulin were observed, hemoglobin A1c was found to decrease by ingesting chicory root extract. No intergroup differences in the levels of lipid metabolism parameters were observed.
- However, the level of adiponectin was significantly improved in the chicory root extract group when the baseline and postintervention values were compared. In addition, chicory root extract tends to improve the VAS score for fecal properties.
Is Decaf Coffee Better than Chicory
People who are used to drinking coffee with caffeine over a long period, usually have problems with addiction. Of course, it is not the same as in the cases of drug or alcohol addiction, but the body gets used to caffeine, and it cannot function properly if the coffee has not been drunk.
It can be even worse if one likes to sweeten the coffee with sugar. Then it affects the blood pressure quite severely.
The addiction develops slowly, unnoticed, and you are practically not aware that it is there. All that caffeine taken in might cause the heart to start working faster. Caffeine consumption usually goes hand-in-hand with cigarettes and the two make a filthy habit that can ruin one's health, and lungs especially, and lead to some serious conditions.
Decaf coffee is different because it does not trigger addictions. Nevertheless, it gives a real boost of energy, which is important for people who work long hours, or those who have to get up early.
When regular and decaf coffee are compared, the taste and the smell are the same. There are a lot of forms of coffee in the natural and unadulterated forms of decaf coffee, and it suits people who like to consume food in its natural form and shape.
A conducted research on the effects of decaf coffee on flow-mediated dilation showed that people who consume decaf coffee have a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. The study was conducted on a group of healthy men and women, and the results revealed that one cup of decaf coffee increases flow-mediated dilation, which is good.
In the future, more studies about the benefits of decaf coffee need to be done, and a comparison should be made between coffee with caffeine and decaf coffee.
Of course, we have to bear in mind that decaf coffee does contain smaller amounts of caffeine. Therefore, you are advised to keep your consumption levels moderate and not to go overboard with drinking this kind of coffee.
All in all, both chicory root and decaf coffee are great substitutes for coffee, and people choose these to avoid the potential adverse effects of this drink or increase the refreshing and alertness-boosting of it. Chicory root is known to trigger numerous side-effects while decaf coffee, containing caffeine in small amounts, may be dangerous when consumed excessively.
Therefore, decaf coffee is a healthier choice for enjoying coffee more healthily. So, make sure you play it on the safe side and get only the best from both alternatives.
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