Information on Guarana Extract
Guarana extract is recognized as a very efficient energybooster in various countries everywhere around the world but unfortunatelyenough it may also be associated with certain side effects in some cases.Guarana is a climbing plant which comes from the family of maples known by thebotanical name of a sapindaceae. Its own scientific name is paullinia cupana.It originates from the Amazon basin and is nowadays commonly grown in Braziland Venezuela. It can be characterized by red fruits, clustered flowers andlarge green leaves. The red fruits are filled with tiny black seeds which areknown for contain at least twice as much caffeine as the coffee beans. Guaranaextract is an integral ingredient in numerous different types of sports drinks,diet pills, fat burners, energy drinks and similar products because of itsenergy boosting properties. Guarana contains higher amounts of caffeine thanmost other plants and it is also different from coffee and similar plantsbecause its release time is very slow. The caffeine gets released at a very slowrate which means that it takes much time for the human body to absorb it so itprovides a much longer stimulation than all the other caffeinated products.
Side Effects of Guarana Extract
Guarana extract is very similar to the chemical structure ofcoffee beans so it is often affiliated with certain side effects which arecommonly affiliated with the consumption of coffee. The most common sideeffects of guarana extract may or may not include nausea, hyperactivity,vomiting, heartburn, insomnia, diarrhea, nervousness, frequent urination,anxiety, shortness of breath, restlessness, palpitations, headaches, shakinessand an upset stomach. People who suffer from certain medical conditions such asthyroid problems, heart problems, kidney diseases and diabetes may sometimesexperience certain severe side effects after consuming guarana extract in anyform. Those side effects may or may not include high blood pressure, dizziness,abnormally rapid heart rate, stomach cramps, arrhythmia, agitation, seizures and tightness in the chest, chest pain and difficulty in breathing. All severe sideeffects of guarana extract require immediate medical attention. Guarana extractmay also sometimes interact with certain types of medications. Those who sufferfrom heart disorders, glaucoma, kidney disorders, osteoporosis, bleedingdisorders and hypertension should steer clear of guarana extracts. Allergicreactions to guarana extract may be manifested in some or all of the followingsymptoms: hives, wheezing, rash, difficulty in swallowing, itching, difficultyin breathing, swollen lips, swollen mouth and swollen tongue. Children andpregnant women should avoid consuming guarana extract.
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