Is coffee really a drug?
Caffeineis not a hormone, because it is found nowhere withing a human body.Therefore, it is a drug. What's more, it is surely by far the mostwidely used one around the globe. This is also why, so called,"caffeine addicts" who want to "get off the stuff"by means of switching to decaffeinated coffee are in for a bit of asurprise.
Thisis partially because coffee contains a number of other substances(such as caffeol, diterpenes, chlorogenic acid, to name a few) whichall yield their own and considerable effects on the human body.
Arange of health disorders may come as a result of "caffeineabuse", but even when the coffee has been decaffeinated, asmall, but still an amount, of the active substances still remain.And this very small amount of them is still capable of causingserious health issues.
Sowith this said, it is clear that even with a small amount of caffeineit contains, the number of other still present substances(phytochemicals) may still cause medical havoc in spite the decafprocess.
Andthis article takes a closer look at some of the plausibleside-effects of switching to coffee gone decaf.
Alright then, what arethe known side-effects of decaf coffee?
Becauseno company could so far really guarantee that their brand of coffeehas been completely (that is to say 100%) decaffed, and as it hasbeen noted before, switching to decaf coffee has got side effects ofits own. The following is an explained list of the very.
Firstoff: Acidity. Because coffee is highly acidic by nature, it is also aknown fact that it stimulates gastritic acids to hyper-secrate.
Andthis is also why going decaf is known to increase the acidity in ahuman body to a much greater extent. It is due to the fact that thecoffee is frequently produced out of Robust beans, which is, in facta type of coffee bean.
Thisacidity will, in turn, and highly likely lead to ulcers and acidreflux, and may even lead to a larger risk of heartburns than anyother fluids. And this, is surely amongst the gravest of effects ofdecaf coffee.
Secondly:heart problems. Despite of what what a person switching to decafcoffee may think: it raises the risks of heart attacks even if thelevel of caffeine it contains is fairly poor. This is because of thefact that decaf coffee increases the levels of non-essential fattyacids in the blood by 15%.
Andlastly: osteoporosis. According to the most recent of research, theconsumption of a regular cup of coffee (or other type of coffeedrinks) brings along with it the loss of nearly five milligrams ofcalcium. This may in turn, and obviously, lead to weak bones, andmore particularly, the development of osteoporosis. In addition, thepreviously mentioned high amount of acidity should also increase thechances of osteoporosis development.
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