Information on Green Tea
Green tea originates from China and it involves the use ofunfermented leaves of the plant botanically known as camellia sinensis. Everytype of beverage triggers a certain chemical reactions within the human body.Some of them may be very beneficial while some others may be affiliated withsome rather unpleasant side effects.
Green tea may provide the human body withnumerous different types of side effects, but because of its caffeine contentit can also sometimes trigger some unwanted adverse effects. There are peoplewho are very sensitive to caffeine and the consumption of green tea may triggerinsomnia, anxiety and hypertension in some cases. Green tea still does notcontain as much caffeine as coffee.
Health Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea is very efficient in boosting the immune system,enhancing the blood flow, reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood,increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood, relieving headaches,relieving the tension, reducing the severity of painful sensations, detoxifyingthe body and improving the overall quality of health. It is very rich inantioxidants and it also has very potent astringent and diuretic properties aswell. It can come in very handy when it comes to reducing the risk of cancerand different types of heart diseases. Green tea is efficient in healing thewounds, preventing infections and reducing the risk of numerous different typesof medical conditions.
Side Effects of Green Tea
Most side effects of green tea are associated with caffeinewhich is commonly contained in it. A cup of green tea may contain up to 40milligrams of caffeine which is usually enough to trigger insomnia, skinrashes, hypertension, tremors, anxiety, stomach upset, irritability, loss ofappetite, heart palpitations, nausea and frequent urination in all those whoare sensitive to caffeine. Green tea can also sometimes be associated with themalabsorption of iron.
It may also pose certain risks for all pregnant women sothey should avoid consuming it during the pregnancy. Children should also steerclear of green tea because it contains certain types of tannin acids. Tanninacids may have a negative effect on the absorption of different kinds ofnutrients, which may lead to the development of serious medical conditions.Green tea may also be associated with beriberi which is a medical conditioncharacterized by weight loss, irregular heart rate, impaired sensoryperception, edema, weakness and painful sensations in the limbs. It may alsolead to skeletal fluorosis and kidney stones. Green tea may also interact withcertain types of medicaments.
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