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Information on Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a shrub also known by its botanical name ofwithania somnifera. It has been an important adaptogen in the ayurvedicmedicine for numerous centuries. It is very efficient in normalizing variouspsychological functions and increasing the resistance to harmful factors suchas stress, fatigue, anxiety and trauma. Ashwagandha is commercially cultivatedall over India because it provides the human body with very potent immuneboosting, antioxidant, antimicrobial anti carcinogenic properties. The actualplant can be up to 170 centimeters in height. All different parts of the plantssuch as the leaves, fruits, flowers and the roots can be used for variousmedicinal purposes. It can be dissolved in boiled water in order to prepare anherbal tea and it can also be used in the form of tinctures. Ashwagandha may bea product of nature but it can still be associated with certain side effects insome cases. Most of the times, those side effects are associated with theexcessive consumption of ashwagandha.

Side Effects of Ashwagandha

The most important and the most potentially dangerous sideeffect of ashwagandha is the increase in the levels of thyroid hormone insidethe human body. Ashwagandha triggers anincreased production of the thyroid hormones so that is why all those whosuffer from various types of hyperthyroid conditions should steer clear ofashwagandha. Ashwagandha root extract tends to be very bitter so that is why itis often mixed with abundant amounts of sugar. Ashwagandha tinctures alsoinvolve the use of alcohol so that is why all those who suffer from alcoholdependence, liver diseases and different types of diabetes should be verycautious before using any ashwagandha products. Pregnant and breastfeedingwomen should also avoid using ashwagandha in any form. Those who suffer fromulcers, different types of digestive disorders or any health problem related tothyroid glands should better stay away from ashwagandha tinctures, herbal teasor any other products.

Ashwagandha may also be potentially harmful because ofits strong immunostimulant, hypnotic, tranquillizing and sedative qualities.Excessive consumption may lead to toxicity, nausea, vomiting and several othergastronomical problems. Ashwagandha may also interact with certain types ofmedicaments which are commonly prescribed to those who suffer from insomnia andanxiety. It may also be associated with certain gastrointestinal side effectssuch as abdominal heaviness, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal flatulence butthese symptoms usually occur due to excessive consumption of ashwagandha in itscrude powder form.

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