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What is a mirena coil?

What is a mirena coil?

With the many types of contraceptive available today, it can be difficult to decide which birth control method is the right one for you. Today, we will take a closer...

Symptoms of ovulation

Symptoms of ovulation

The female fertility window is a fairly short one. Each month, a woman has a window lasting no more than 12 to 24 hours to conceive a baby. Knowing when...

Should I be worried about ovulation pain?

Should I be worried about ovulation pain?

Ovulation pain can vary from a slightly uncomfortable sensation when a woman is ovulating to extreme abdominal pain. While ovulation pain is not something the majority of women experiences, it...

What causes ovulation pain?

What causes ovulation pain?

Around 20 percent of all ovulating women experience ovulation pain. It is not at all abnormal, and does not normally indicate any kind of medical problem. Ovulation pain is a...

What are uterine polyps?

What are uterine polyps?

Excessive growth of tissues in the lining of the uterine wall, medically referred to as the endometrium, can lead to uterine polyps. Polyps are growths originating from mucus membranes, usually...

Period lasting for two weeks?

Period lasting for two weeks?

For the average woman, a menstrual period lasts for five days. Periods can last longer or shorter without their being a medical problem, but what should you do if you...

NuvaRing side effects

NuvaRing side effects

NuvaRing is a hormonal birth control method that uses a flexible plastic, hormone-emitting ring which is inserted into the vagina. The NuvaRing is used continuously for a period of three...

What is a NuvaRing?

What is a NuvaRing?

Those who are investigating birth control options may be surprised to find that there is a wide variety of hormonal contraceptives on the market today. One of those is the...

Trying to conceive after depo provera

Trying to conceive after depo provera

After we published our post "What is depo Provera?", a reader warned us about the long-term side effects of these hormonal birth control injections. Depo Provera is an injectable contraceptive...