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NuvaRing is a hormonal birth control method that uses a flexible plastic, hormone-emitting ring which is inserted into the vagina. The NuvaRing is used continuously for a period of three weeks, after which the ring is removed for a week to enable menstruation. In this sense, NuvaRing is similar to the contraceptive pill, though it uses lower doses of certain hormones. Are you considering NuvaRing? Let's take a look at the side effects associated with this contraceptive.

Side effects of NuvaRing can be divided into more and less common ones, and more and less serious one like with any other medication. The most commonly reported side effects associated with NuvaRing are vaginal irritation, an increase in cervical mucus, and vaginal infections. Considering that the ring is inserted directly into the vagina, that is not surprising! Weight gain, headaches, and nausea are also linked to NuvaRing, although some sources say this is less common than with the birth control pill. Changes in appetite, a skin rash, dizziness, and breast tenderness are also side effects of NuvaRing that are also not uncommon in pill users.

One that I had never heard of before was contact lense intolerance. Interestingly, some women who use NuvaRing become unable to wear lenses. When should you be worried, call your doctor (or even go to the ER), and remove the NuvaRing? Dangerous side effects of this form of birth control, or any other hormonal contraceptive, are very rare, but it is good to be aware of the possibilities. If you experience sudden breathing difficulties, have sharp pains in your chest, or are coughing blood, take appropriate action immediately. Severe pain and burning of the vaginal area can also be worrying, so if you get this remove the ring and call your doctor.

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