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Cystoscopy for bladder and urethra scan

Cystoscopy for bladder and urethra scan

Cystoscopy is an invasive exam of the urethra and the bladder which includes insertion of a cystoscope and inspection of the lining of these two organs. The exam gives...

Endometrial polyp facts

Endometrial polyp facts

Endometrial (uterine) polyps are benign growths affecting the inner wall of the uterus and growing inside its cavity. These benign tumors develop due to overgrowth of the endometrial cells...

Bladder prolapse review

Bladder prolapse review

Bladder prolapse is an unpleasant condition that typically affects women. It in majority of cases affects women after vaginal childbirth. However, bladder prolapse is also possible in women who...

Dialysis diet food list

Dialysis diet food list

Patients on dialysis need to follow a certain diet, known as dialysis diet. The dialysis machine is used to help the body to remove waste products, since the body...

Acute hemorrhagic cystitis

Acute hemorrhagic cystitis

Hemorrhagic cystitis is an acute medical condition that leads to bleeding from the bladder due to diffuse inflammation of the organ. Patients suffering from hemorrhagic cystitis typically develop dysuria...

Complications of cystitis

Complications of cystitis

Introduction Cystitis is a bacterial infection inside the bladder which causes inflammation, resulting in discomfort during urination. A person often feels the need to urinate, but urination is painful with...

Acute tubular necrosis treatment

Acute tubular necrosis treatment

Main concern of doctors treating the patient suffering from acute tubular necrosis (usually shortened as ATN) is to prevent any further damage to the kidneys. In general, treatment consists of...

Pain in hydronephrosis

Pain in hydronephrosis

Hydronephrosis is a dilation of the kidney with urine, caused by backward pressure on the kidney due to an obstructed urine flow. It can prove to be a source of...

Escherichia coli in babies

Escherichia coli in babies

The majority of newborns are born healthy and have no additional problems to adapt to the world around them. They easily continue growing and developing. However, certain number of infants...

Causes of kidney stones in men

Causes of kidney stones in men

Kidney stones are a common problem that affects both sexes but it affects men much more than women. The condition characterized by the presence of kidney stones is called...