HIV rash symptoms
HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a culprit of one of the most serious life-threatening infections in the world today. It can be easily spread via unprotected sexual contact and there...

Reasons for female sexual dysfunction
Female sexual dysfunctionSexual dysfunction in women can be defined as a constant problem with sexual response and desire. This disorder is not uncommon in women and it is estimated that...

Overview of persistent sexual arousal syndrome
Even though many would not consider constant sexual arousal as something bad, there are also those who beg to differ. Namely, being in this state equals suffering from a serious...

Signs of sexual infection and maintaining penis hygiene
Sexual transmitted diseases, or shortly STD, are dangerous but easily avoided. The problem is that easy part is applied rarely. Both men and women can be the victims of some...

What is the prevention of gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is an easily contracted sexually transmitted disease. It affects both genders and is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorhhoeae.In men the bacterium most commonly leads to urethritis while in...

Chronic gonorrhea facts
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease triggered by a bacteria named Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Therefore, vaginal, oral or anal sex may be ways of transmission of the disease from one person...

STDs and pregnancy
Sexually transmittable diseases are always a bit of a taboo, and being diagnosed with an STD when you are pregnant is always unpleasant. Ideally, everyone would undergo STD testing before...

Tubal pregnancy as a result of chlamydia
Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It often has no symptoms at all, yet can do a lot of damage to a woman's reproductive system. The...

Pope allows condoms?
The Vatican has always had a rather clear stance on birth control and reproductive issues. Artificial birth control has long been considered unacceptable by Catholic theologians, and only periodic abstinence...

Does Chlamydia and PID lead to tubal pregnancies?
Sexually transmitted diseases are always a scary matter. Whether you are considering STD testing, or have already been and are waiting your results, or are newly diagnosed sexually transmitted diseases...