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Hip pain and aching joints

Hip pain and aching joints

Hip pain, and aching joints around the pelvis and hips, are problems that many pregnant women encounter, especially during the later half of pregnancy. Research suggests that hormonal changes, which...

Cord blood banking pros and cons

Cord blood banking pros and cons

Banking your baby's umbilical cord blood is an increasingly popular procedure. Stem cells that are harvested from the cord blood can be turned into other cells, that can play a...

How to recognize pre-term labor

How to recognize pre-term labor

Going into labor too early is a common concern among pregnant mothers, and that is not without reason. The earlier you seek treatment for pre-term labor, the better the odds...

What is a blighted ovum?

What is a blighted ovum?

The term "blighted ovum" is commonly used to describe a pregnancy in which a fertilized egg starts implanting itself into the uterine wall as usual, but no embryo develops. During...

Using ovulation tests to get pregnant

Using ovulation tests to get pregnant

Ovulation tests are urine tests that detect hormones that are released when a woman is most fertile, and therefore most likely to get pregnant. They can be used in the...

Heavy fetal movement and hiccups

Heavy fetal movement and hiccups

Once you enter the third and final trimester of pregnancy, and your baby is quickly increasing in size, fetal movement is hard to miss! Do you remember those first, butterfly-like...

What do contractions feel like?

What do contractions feel like?

What do labor contractions feel like? This is a question that few women will ask themselves when they are still trying to conceive, but one that will inevitably pop up...