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Too much amniotic fluid - what now?

Too much amniotic fluid - what now?

Amniotic fluid is what your baby swims around in during your pregnancy. It protects the baby from movement outside the womb, maintains his temperature, helps his lung development and keeps...

Urine tests during pregnancy

Urine tests during pregnancy

Are you pregnant and wondering why you are being asked to bring in a urine sample to your doctor's office and not just once, but at every visit? Urine tests...

What is hypnobabies for childbirth?

What is hypnobabies for childbirth?

When it comes to pain relief techniques for labor and birth, there are more ways to cope with the pain than just the most well-known epidural. Some women opt to...

Pain relief techniques for labor and birth

Pain relief techniques for labor and birth

Are you currently expecting a baby and preparing for labor and delivery? Many women are quite scared of labor and particularly the pain associated with it. If you are a...

Does weight gain during pregnancy matter?

Does weight gain during pregnancy matter?

From the time women start trying to get pregnant and onwards, the focus is on their weight. Are you overweight? Too skinny? You'll probably be told to lose weight or...

Third trimester pregnancy signs - part 2

Third trimester pregnancy signs - part 2

Congratulations! You are nearly there! During the later part of the third trimester, your baby will be fully developed and is working on gaining some weight before entering the world...