Ice cravings during pregnancy
Foods cravings are totally normal during pregnancy most women get them. But craving non-food items is also not unusual while you are expecting a baby. This is known as pica...

Pregnant before your twentieth birthday - What now?
Teenage pregnancy is a term which stands for a female person younger than 19, being pregnant. In the modern world of Australia, the numbers of teenage pregnancies have decreased significantly...

Drug allergy during pregnancy
Women suffering from certain allergies may experience worsening of the symptoms during pregnancy. This is, for instance, reported in women suffering from allergic rhinitis. In them the symptoms and signs...

Premature babies facts
Premature babies are those who are born before 37th week of pregnancy. They constantly require special attention and care because they are born before they have developed properly. In the...

Calcium during pregnancy
Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for humans. It is engaged in development and preservation of healthy and strong bones and especially beneficial for women, who enjoy benefits...

Calcium during lactation
Women need to produce plenty of milk once their child is born and they need to breastfeed it. However, contrary to popular beliefs, consuming more milk will not increase the...

Calcium during first trimester
One of the most important things in pregnancy is good nutrition. Pregnant women have special nutritional needs, because they need to make sure their body can sustain all the changes...

Fever blisters and pregnancy
Fever blisters (cold sores) are skin changes that occur due to infection caused by Herpes simplex virus. They develop around the mouth, nose and during the initial outbreak of the...

Miscarriage symptoms: signs of a miscarriage
Miscarriage is usually defined as spontaneous ending of the pregnancy earlier than the baby is 20 to 22 weeks old. Miscarriage is a quite common condition and many women even...

Prevention of jaundice during pregnancy
There are a lot of women who fear suffering from jaundice while they are pregnant but there are not that many cases of it due to the fact that it...