What causes a sore throat?
A number of medical conditions are so common that almost every human being has to suffer from at least once in life, and some of those are definitely common cold and sore throat.
A sore throat can be the result of many causes, including yelling for prolonged periods of time, but often this symptom is caused by infections that appear in the upper respiratory tract. Such infections can be induced either by bacteria or viruses.
When someone suffers from a sore throat, not only will the throat become irritated, the mouth and nose will suffer discomfort as well, at least it is so in the majority of the cases.
Strep throat is the name of one common cause of a bacterial infection that causes for throat as well as swelling of the tonsils, which leads to the painful swallowing. Since the tonsils are a part of the body’s immune system, they can be infected easily because they absorb the foreign bodies that enter via the mouth and nose. Therefore, it can be concluded that tonsillitis, which is the medical term for any inflammation of the tonsils, may occur as a result of sore throat, strep throat, an allergy or sinusitis, and that swollen tonsils may occur even when the patient doesn't report having a sore throat.
Causes of swollen tonsils with no sore throat
When a person contracts a viral or bacterial infection after contact with an infected person, it may be one of the causes of swollen tonsils (tonsillitis) with no sore throat. Furthermore, both the common cold and the flu are usually responsible for the incidence of inflamed tonsils, particularly in children. On the other side, in adults, swollen tonsils very often occur due to strep throat.
Sometimes, although very rarely, it happens that scarlet fever and diphtheria, as well as allergies to certain kinds of foods, may also cause the occurrence of swollen tonsils.
Symptoms of swollen tonsils with no sore throat
When someone develops swollen tonsils and when he or she does not also suffer from a sore throat, several discomforts might be experienced. The most obvious symptom of this condition would be swollen tonsils themselves, which are visible and may be white or yellow in color.
Furthermore, swollen tonsils with no sore throat may also cause bad breath, a hoarse voice and throat redness, as well as difficulty while speaking and swallowing, and swollen neck glands. Cough, fever, chills and muscle pain are also some of the signs of the swollen tonsils when the sore throat is not present.
Swollen tonsils (tonsillitis) may be treated by various methods, and the treatment chosen depends on the cause of the tonsillitis, most commonly viral but bacterial in a minority of cases. When common and sometimes effective home remedies for tonsillitis, such as gargling with salt water, resting, and keeping very well hydrated, are of no help, go to the doctor.
You may be prescribed antibiotics, corticosteroids, and pain medication. In extreme cases, doctors may even recommend a surgery during which the tonsils are removed, called a tonsillectomy.
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