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Dialysis treatment at home

Dialysis treatment at home

Dialysis patients have a choice in their home treatment. Since the 1960s two options are available - peritoneal dialysis or PD and home hemodialysis or HHD. In the past, PD...

Benign ductal ectasia

Benign ductal ectasia

About benign duct ectasiaMammary duct ectasia or benign duct ectasia is a benign breast disease that can clinically resemble invasive breast carcinoma. It is not definitively clear how and why...

Acute GI bleed

Acute GI bleed

Gastrointestinal bleeding can take place on a lower or upper part of this tract. The upper GI bleeding affects the esophagus, stomach or the first part of our intestine, called...

Acute watery diarrhoea

Acute watery diarrhoea

IntroductionDiarrhea is one of the most common types of medicalconditions. It may affect all people from all age groups and both genders.Diarrhea may sometimes last for a couple of days...

Knee exercises for runners

Knee exercises for runners

Many runners will experience knee injury at some stage. The frequency for injury occurrence of this type is about one in five. Some will suffer from a condition known as...

How to treat a Red back spider bite

How to treat a Red back spider bite

The red back spider is almost as dangerous as the black widow spider. The bite of this spider is one of the most common spider bites in Australia and before...

Symptoms of hiv in children

Symptoms of hiv in children

HIV or human immunodeficiency virus, causes AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a disease in humans in which a person\'s immune system begins to deteriorate and becomes susceptible to infections. At first...

Is there a cure for neurofibromatosis

Is there a cure for neurofibromatosis

It is estimated that 100,000 US citizens are having neurofibromatosis disorder. Disorder occurs with women or men and in all ethnic groups just as equally. Actually, a three genetically different...

What are the benefits of kangen water

What are the benefits of kangen water

Kangen water is a extremely good water for people and it is becoming more and more popular.In order to understand health benefits of kangen water it is necessary to understand...

Eye infection home treatment

Eye infection home treatment

Infections of the eyes are very common and a lot of times unknown. They can be due to dust, allergies and even sunlight can be the root cause. In this...