What are aches?
Aches can be best described as nagging pains, taking place due to many different reasons. Most often, upon the mentioning of aches, many people think about muscles and joints which...

Ear problem ruptured eardrum
The ear drum is a rather delicate structure that divides the outer ear from the middle ear. It can easily perforate due to many causes.A ruptured eardrum subsequently leads to...

Therapy for total knee replacement
Knee Replacement Therapy After a successful knee replacement surgery, moving on with life normally is quite possible. But in order for that to happen time, work and patience are required...

Physical fitness without equipment
Exercising does not necessarily need to involve equipment. One can maintain ones physical fitness without the use of equipment. In this manner, you can maintain your body weight, tone up...

Fever blister stages
A fever blister, cold sore or oral herpes is a lesion caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. It can be a single blister or a cluster of them, usually...

Eye disease - Amblyopia
Lazy eye causes reduced visual acuity, even if the patient wears prescription contact lenses or glasses. This condition, also known as amblyopia, usually starts in childhood and affects one or...

Age related emphysema complication
Symptoms of EmphysemaEmphysema is a subtype of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is a long-term progressive disorder that is primarily characterized by the shortness of breath and inability to breath...

Ear problem remedies
It sounds obvious, but our ears are vital when it comes to our sense of hearing. This sense is fundamental, and loss of or impairment to our hearing can be...

Therapy for tourette syndrom
Tourette syndrome is a condition manifesting through tics which can vary, are repetitive, stereotyped and involuntary. The condition was first noticed on a 86-year-old French woman in 1885. Commonly, symptoms...

Dystonia caused by medication
Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions in various parts of the body. It can be caused by hereditary factors, but it can also be associated with...