BackAche During Early Pregnancy
Manydifferent symptoms are experienced during early pregnancy, includingback aches, emotional fluctuations and morning sickness. This is dueto the body changing drastically to carry a baby for nine months. Asthe fetus grows, it will require more space within the womb and themuscles around the womb will stretch to accommodate the baby. Thehormones will change continually throughout pregnancy and will affectthe body in different ways. Muscles will enlarge and changeespecially during the early stages of pregnancy and may causediscomfort or pain in the muscles in the abdomen and back.
Causesof Back Ache During Early Pregnancy
Variousfactors can be attributed to back ache in general and there are morefactors during pregnancy. All of the weight that is naturally gainedduring pregnancy will put strain on the muscles and tendons that arenot quite used to carrying this much weight as well as a growingbaby. The fetus' growth will also cause the uterus to enlarge andstrain, as well as the pelvic muscles that support the baby. This cancause aching which will radiate to the back.
As thebaby grows, the ribs and the bones in the lower torso are pushedoutwards, affecting the woman's posture. There is, of course, quite alot of weight in the front of the body, constantly pulling the torsoforwards. Poor posture can always lead to back ache as the musclesare being strained in strange ways.
Sleepingbecomes an issue during pregnancy; the woman is not used to sleepingpositions that take her larger belly into account. Muscles can becomestrained as they are not properly relaxed while sleeping in strangepositions. Lying on the side instead of the back causes the womb totug on the muscles in the back and can cause them to become stretchedout and painful.
Naturally,hormonal changes in the body will affect various body systems,including the musculature. As the body prepares for carrying a babyand eventually for the actual birth, the tendons, ligaments andjoints will alter and may pull on the muscles in the back inuncomfortable ways.
RelievingBack Ache
Themost important thing to do is handle these symptoms early on. Failingto do so during the earlier stages of pregnancy can mean that thesymptoms continue during the later stages and may become worse overtime. These symptoms, if allowed to continue, may even be presentafter the birth, as the muscles will possibly never quite fullyrecover.
Warmbaths can help relieve back ache. However, the water must not be toohot as this can cause problems with the pregnancy. Cold or warmcompresses applied to the aching area of the back are perfectly safeand will help alleviate the pain. Alternatively, there are specialpillows that are designed to relieve muscle tension in the back whilesleeping during pregnancy.
Swimmingexercises can help strengthen the back and leg muscles, which willhelp during the later stages of pregnancy. Trying to maintain a goodposture without overexerting oneself is also advised to reduce backache.
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