All living organisms inhabiting this world cannot live or function without water. We obtain water from different sources like rain, rivers, oceans, taps or various type of water containers. Without water, no organisms can possibly survive for longer than a couple of days.
Why Can't We Live Without Water?
Basically, our body runs on water, among other things. Water is necessary for completing numerous operations inside the human body. In fact, the majority of our constitution is made of water, making our bodies predominantly watery. Moreover, our blood is liquid and contains a large percentage of water, delivering oxygen to various parts of our body. Without these supplies of oxygen, our cells would die and we would be gone with them in a short while. Thus, water is life.
Water in Our Body
The water in our body is mostly called lymph, being a fluid which is a crucial part of our immune system. Furthermore, this water is connected to many digestive functions. In fact, digestive juices are made of water and so is our urine. Even the feces we expel contain water. Our body regulates its heat through the water, expelling it through the pores on our skin, through the process of sweating. All in all, each and every cell in our body lives only if a constant supply of water is present.
The Necessity of Water Consumption
Water is best to be consumed through drinking water itself. However, you can also obtain water through the fruits and vegetables you eat. Nevertheless, since too much of anything is not a good thing, excessive water consumption can be dangerous for your health.
Naturally, you need to drink water after and before meals, and whenever you feel thirst. Yet, the sensation of thirst is a sign that you are already overdue with your water dose. Drink more water during hot parts of the year and especially when you engage in physical activities. It is best to carry a bottle of water with you whenever you leave the house.
Dehydration should be prevented whenever possible since this condition can lead to numerous other health complications such as kidney stone formation, constipation etc. The best way of knowing whether you are hydrated enough or not is by observing your urine. If it is darker than light yellow, you need more water delivered to your organism. Ultimately, keep in mind – when you are not thirsty, you are healthier than when your organism is craving for water.
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