The Water We Drink
We are aware that we have polluted mostof the water we have on our planet. Therefore, this water is not safefor drinking due to numerous chemicals being a part of it, beingpotentially dangerous for our health and, thereby, consumption.
Thus, water needs to be purified iftaken from these sources. Salty water from oceans needs to bedeprived of salt and other things it contains while other water needsto be purified so that it no longer contains harmful substances.
Either way, there are procedures whichneed to be done in order to make water safe for drinking. Sometimes,this water is purified by means which enable it to be used forspecific industrial purposes. The reminder of this article will dealwith different purification methods used for making water drinkableand healthy.
Before any procedures take place,however, the water is cleansed by being let through a clean piece ofclothing or by staying in a container for a while, all the harmfulsubstances reaching the bottom.
Water Purification Processes
One of the best ways of getting cleanand healthy water is through purchasing bottled water. However, thisway is one of the most expensive ones and many people cannot afforddrinking this water, regardless of how paradoxical this might seem,considering the fact that water belongs to all of us.
As for other methods, boiling is one ofthe cheapest and safest ways. Namely, all you have to do is to exposethe water to heat. Around 100 degrees Celsius is needed for killingmost of the microbes known to us, with the exception of certainfungal cultures, which are destroyed at 118. You need to boil thewater for about half an hour in order for it to be safe for drinking.On the other hand, for cooking, you may use the hot water from theheaters.
Next, there are filters for water.These filters come in various models and deliver different effects. Most of them, when maintained and installed correctly,provide water cleansing at a high level.
Also, chemicals, like iodine can beused for water purification. Chlorine is also used quite often forthese purposes.
Finally, one of the best microbedestruction methods are ultraviolet rays. All you need to do is toexpose the water to these rays, which destroy the DNA of manymicrobes.
So, be careful, use some or all ofthese methods and make sure you drink water which is safe and clean.
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