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Pets and babies - do they combine?

Pets and babies - do they combine?

Are you expecting a baby and have pets? Many expectant parents are worried about how their pets will do with a new member of the family in the house, and...

Full-time work and expecting a baby

Full-time work and expecting a baby

Are you expecting a baby and also expecting to work full-time throughout your pregnancy? You've got the difficult job of striking a balance between taking care of your health, and...

Causes of heavy menstrual bleeding

Causes of heavy menstrual bleeding

Of every five women, one will experience heavy and painful menstrual bleeding whether long-term, or occasionally. Are your periods heavy, painful, and perhaps prolonged? Of course, you want to get...

What is "vegan formula"?

What is "vegan formula"?

Formula feeding is an extremely common method of infant feeding but what is vegan formula? You may just have heard about the existence of this, and you may even be...

Need IVF but don't want twins?

Need IVF but don't want twins?

Women undergoing invitro fertilization for infertility almost always go into the treatment with multiple viable embryos being available for implantation. A large percentage of couples decides to implant multiple embryos...

Pregnant and already have teens?

Pregnant and already have teens?

Are you pregnant, and already the proud mother of teenagers? Many roads lead to this situation some women actively tried to get pregnant, either with the same partner who is...