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End stage of stomach cancer

End stage of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is a cancer that begins in the stomach. It is also called gastric cancer. There are many risk factors for stomach cancer, including obesity, smoking, H Pylori...

Meniere's disease and eye problems

Meniere's disease and eye problems

Meniere's disease (or Ménière's disease) is an inner ear disorder that leads to repeated episodes, or attacks, of vertigo (dizziness or a spinning sensation) and tinnitus (a ringing in the ears...

Canopy tanning bed review

Canopy tanning bed review

Warning: Sunbeds are not safe to use. Immediate side effects can include itching, dry skin, and burning and blistering. Most people already know that sunbed use increases their risk...

Side effects of nutramigen

Side effects of nutramigen

About Infant Formulas Infant formulas are designed to provide all the nutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of an infant. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) controls the quality...

Can fasting cause a candida die-off?

Can fasting cause a candida die-off?

What is Candida? Candida albicans is a common yeast species that's frequently found on the skin and inside the bodies of humans. This normally isn't a problem at all. The...

Pain below rib cage

Pain below rib cage

So, you have been suffering from a pain below your ribs that you're not sure what to make of? The first thing you should know is that pain below...

Running in the Dark

Running in the Dark

While there are few things that can compare to a pre-dawn run in the cool, crisp morning air, there are certain precautions that need to be taken to ensure that...

Excessive head and neck sweating

Excessive head and neck sweating

Excessive head and neck sweating The first thing a person should do if he or she notices that their neck and head have started to persistently sweat a lot is...

All about protruding sternum

All about protruding sternum

The sternum (also called the breast bone) is an important part of the thorax, the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen. Together with the ribs, the...