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Excessive head and neck sweating

The first thing a person should do if he or she notices that their neck and head have started to persistently sweat a lot is to take note of the exact circumstances. "Taking inventory" of the situations in which you come across this excessive sweating could give both you and your doctor insights into the possible cause.

The usual causes of this inconvenience are stressful situations. For instance, work meetings, talking in public, romantic encounters or any other event that can be stressful for an individual may lead to increased perspiration around the head and neck, including the face and scalp.

If a person noted that the excessive sweating appears in these stressful situations, it is most likely that it is due to anxiety. A lot of people suffer from anxiety-induced excessive sweating. Feelings related to stress and fear stimulate the sweat glands and that is normal. However, it is not normal if a person sweats too much. Some researches say that the glands can be affected even a month before the actual event.

If a person does suffer from excessive sweating caused by anxiety, he or she should start working on calming himself or herself in situations that can cause stress. There are many methods a person can choose from which will help him or her relieve stress. Some people need to seek professional help, such as from a psychologist or a life coach, while others simply need to take a long and relaxing walk more often, or read about how to cope with anxiety caused by interpersonal interactions. In both cases it is best that a person finds out what causes the sweating and how he or she can stop it from happening.

Let's take a look at some other causes of excessive sweating in the head and neck region, as well.


Coffee is one of the reasons for which a person may start sweating excessively. Caffeine is known to make the heart beat faster and it also increases body heat, and that will make a person start perspiring. Nerves do not benefit from the intake of coffee neither.
A person who drinks a lot of coffee seems jumpy and unexpectedly anxious. If a person realizes that sweating is caused by anxiety, he or she should lay off the coffee.

Other causes of sweating in the head and neck region

There are lots of other reasons why a person might be sweating a lot. One of them is the way a person's body gets rid of the waste he or she ingests. For instance, junk food causes extra perspiration. The reason for this is because there are all sorts of chemicals in the junk food that the body does not need. If a person wants to lessen the sweating he or she should exclude foods with chemicals from the diet. The consumption of drugs, tobacco products and alcohol is another way a person introduces chemicals and toxins into the body.
Fever, or conditions like hyperhidrosis (in which you can suffer from excessive sweating in many different regions of the body) can also be responsible. 

This is why it is important that the person gets to know what causes sweating. Then, they can either take steps to reduce the sweating, or if they cannot work out a logical cause, consult their doctor for further testing.

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