Since the day of our birth, our parents, teachers, doctors and numerous other people tell us how important calcium is for our bones, teeth and overall health, advising us to drink plenty of milk and consume foods rich in this metal. Truly, calcium intake provides our organism with many different benefits.
The Benefits of Calcium
First and foremost, calcium is crucial for the development of our bones and our entire skeletal system. Since our bones are developing from our earliest childhood to the end of our teenage years, we need calcium in order for these processes to take place without complications.
Secondly, calcium is beneficial for our neurotransmission processes, stimulating the release of neurotransmitters in our organism. Next, it is very beneficial when it comes to the health of our teeth and gums because lack of calcium in one’s organism may lead to dental decay.
Calcium deficiency can lead to numerous other problems and may cause various diseases, including osteoporosis. Moreover, calcium triggers a production of a certain hormone which regulates fat accumulation, helping people maintain their weight and prevent obesity.
When your organism lacks calcium, there are great chances that your back will hurt you and that you will have problems with your joints. Calcium takes care of these aspects of your health, and provides you with healthy nails and hair too. Additionally, it boosts your immune system, keeping you safer from illnesses and balances your blood pressure preventing hypertension which, in the long run, may lead to serious heart conditions.
Also, calcium affects our mood and any lack of calcium may result in depression or negative mood. Finally, sufficient amounts of calcium in our organism keep headaches, muscle cramps, tiredness and many other ailments at bay.
How Much Calcium Do We Need?
We have concluded that calcium is crucial for our health. However, excessive concentrations of this metal in our organism can lead to problems. Basically, women and men aging from 15-24 need 1200mg of calcium. On the other hand, people older than 25 need less calcium and 800mg a day will suffice. As for babies and small children, it is best to consult with your doctor, when it comes to the right calcium dosages. In facts, supplements of this type are best to be prescribed by doctors, regardless of the ages of the patients.
Ultimately, remember that we cannot live without calcium. Thus, make sure you obtain proper doses of it for your organism, maintaining your proper health and the optimal functioning of your body.
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