A touch of history
Vitamins were knownto people from 1906, all owing to Sir Frederick G. Hopkins. The initial and the first official name they born was vitamine – previously coined by a scientist originating from Polandand under the name of Cashmir Funk, and it referred to the group of substancesconsidered to be essential for life. These initial discoveries, especially theone concerning the essential role of vitamins, have also been confirmed byscientists of today who emphasize their immense importance when it comes toensuring proper health and growth. In addition to vitamins, minerals alsoprovide quite important helping hand and also have a vital say in the entirematter. Both types ofsubstances are employed by our organisms and therefore, deserve to bemade a part of the person’s every day diet.
Vitamins as such can be divided in twogroups. Namely, there exist the water-soluble (e.g. B vitamins and vitamin C)and fat-soluble ones (e.g. vitamins such as A, D, E, K). In total, there existthirteen essential vitamins, which comprise the two groups mentioned above. Andwith the exception of vitamin B12, the rest of the B vitamins and vitamin Ccannot be accommodated in one’s body.
Under normalcircumstances, the greatest majority of people does not have any difficulty ingetting those needed daily dosages of vitamins and minerals by way of properand healthy diet. These people, of course, are in no need of any supplements. However,due to some specific reasons and circumstances a deficiency occurs andthis is one of the most frequent issues that older people, as well as children haveto overcome.
The importance ofvitamins lies in the fact that they bring a number of health benefits tothe person consuming them. For example, vitamin A is known to boost nightvision, as well as the lung, skin, mucous membrane health and the overallhealth of the intestines. Vitamins B are known to boost one’s metabolism and aidin the process of building new cells. Vitamin C aids in the formation, growthand repairmen of bones and connective tissue, as well as in increasing the body’sabsorption of iron, the ability to heal wounds and it keeps the blood vessels intop health. Vitamin D is quite beneficial in the sense that it aids theperson’s body in properly absorbing calcium and phosphorous, which are necessary for theformation of bones and their overall health.
When it comes to minerals, certainly the top of the health benefits list is reserved for those like calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, magnesium and manganese, which are vital for theprocess of bone formation, the health of the those same bones and person’steeth.
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