Fitness exercise becomes more and more popular, which is partly because muscle mass building, as in bodybuilding, is not so popular anymore.True, it is still number one workout in all gyms, but people are slowlystarting to turn to other workout types. And one of those is fitness. Many peoplethink that just being fit is not requiring too much exertion but actually, thetruth is quite opposite. Having no excessive fat and building lean muscles alsoneeds a lot of effort and dedication.
Building lean and strong muscles requires a certainexercising path. For example, beginners might try jogging with some light aerobics.Later on, this can be more and more intensive until extreme fitness exercise isdone. What would be the example of such a workout? First, as in all trainingsessions, no matter what type of workout is done, warm up and stretching should beperformed. This is essential because that is the best way to avoid certaininjuries. After that, spot jogging should be done. At first, this looks like aneasy exercise, but if it is performed for a long period, it can be quite hard.Also, there are several varieties of this exercise and all of these should bedone in this part of training session. Arms stretching should be combined withspot jogging. Again, this looks easy but doing it is something else.
Power jumping
When this is done, power jumping should be performed. Tomake this exercise very intensive and effective, a person should jump from a positionwhich requires legs slightly bent in knees and torso leaned forward. When jumpis done, while body is at peak, knees should be raised as high as possible. Andwhen the body goes down, a practitioner should return to the starting position.This is physically very demanding, but it is very beneficial since it shapes andstrengthens the entire body.
After this, spot jogging should be continued for a while, asa sort of resting pause. It should be followed by dumbbell shoulder press. Ofcourse, dumbbells are not with big weight, only enough to strengthen themuscles a bit but still to keep the exercise in the realm of cardio workout.After this, jumping push-ups should be done. This is a regular push-up but witha twist. When the body is up, a practitioner should get up completely and jump.While going down, practitioner should fall immediately in a push-up position.
This is one series of exercises that should be repeated at leasttwice. The entire training session should be done for at least three timesin a week. But, to enhance the significant effect of extreme fitness exercise,cross training should be included. This will make the effectiveness ofexercising even higher and make a body stronger and more endurable.
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