Exercising is an important thing that should be a normal,regular part of our lives. Sadly, that is not the case with many people, not only becauseof the lack of time, but because many of us are simply lazy and would ratherspend time indulging ourselves than doing something actually useful for ourbodies. What is the actual benefit of exercising, besides the obvious ones?
Benefits of exercising
Exercising keeps the basal metabolism active, the one that includesfat burning process among others. Also, a detox process is partially achievedwith sweating, which happens while exercising. A fit and strong body isalways full of energy, so we can say that all other functions are improved.
When we choose the proper exercise, it is always important toknow what we exactly want to achieve with physical activity. If the workout isperformed at home, it might seem that the options are limited, but that is notthe case. Perhaps there is not enough space for barbell, but anything else isavailable, and when it comes to the additional weight, the body weight is more thanenough for a start. As for the types of exercises, push ups should always beincluded in a workout schedule.
Push ups
Why is push up such an excellent exercise? At a first look,push ups only bulk up arms, but that is not all. When doing push up, it is easilyfelt that other muscle groups are affected too. Those are torso, both back andfront, abdominal area and even legs to a certain point, especially when the numberof reps is high. Push ups can be done in several different ways, thus activatingmany muscles in our body. Two basic techniques of performing push ups includeslow ones, with a pause when in up position, and fast ones, when the up positionis not the highest possible, but lower, in order to do the exercise as fast aspossible. Most difficult push up would be the one hand push up, which requiresnot only strong arms, but the entire body too. And there is that final push up that many do not even get close to, a handstand push up. So, how to perform handstandpush ups? Well, arms should be bulked up as much as possible, but also, the bodyshould not have much excessive weight, if any. Also, balance is very important,perhaps as same as strength. When starting, it would be smart to do it near thewall, so that the legs can have some sort of leverage if needed. Later on, thisexercise can be done on any flat floor surface.
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