Building muscles does not have to necessarily include weights, which means that home can also be a gym if someone does not prefer gyms and workout stations. To build muscles without weights only discipline is needed, and that is no different from working with weights.
Additional weight is needed when we want to increase muscle mass drastically. This does not mean that strength power is much higher than power gained from weightless exercises. Actually, there are no weightless exercises. When building muscles without weights, there is weight, weight of the body itself and that can sometimes be more than enough for the effective exercise. As for the types of exercise, push ups are something that cannot be skipped; actually it might be the most important exercise that can be done at home without weights. Why are push ups important? This workout does not only build up muscles in arms, but it also affects the muscles in back area and even abs, too. Abs and back are affected because those muscles have to be active for keeping the body in straight line. Legs are also slightly affected, especially if legs are crossed. Push ups can be done in so many ways that this exercise can never bore us or become uninteresting. Basic push up is just a start, but after a while, harder variants can be done. Those would include positioning palms as wide as possible, which emphasizes the use of the deltoid muscles. Triceps can also be done, and for increasing the strength of fingers and hands, push ups can be done on fists, three or only two fingers. One hand push up is very hard too, and it also needs jerking the entire body, which is why this is such a great technique. Speed of performing push ups can be changed also. Push ups can be very fast, without raising torso to the highest position, or they can be done slowly, with the pause when at the peak position.
And some more
Besides, the push ups, pull up is a great thing to do, although it requires barbell to be positioned somewhere at home. This is a great exercise that utilizes the entire weight of the body for pulling up. Body should be raised with the arms only, without the help of the body, although it is allowed in the beginning, when the arms are still not strong enough. This is a great complementing exercise for push ups. Additional exercise should include triceps, squats and, of course, abdominal exercises. Those couple of techniques are basic for building muscles without weight.
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