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Diabetes is a degenerative disease that is common throughout the modern world. The condition occurs as a result of a disturbance in the level of sugar and insulin in the body. Insulin levels are directly affected by our body's sugar secretion. When sugar levels rise negatively, this condition is known as hyperglycemia. Conversely, hypoglycemia refers to a lowering of the sugar level. Exercising regularly can play an important role in the control and management of diabetes.

Exercise for Diabetes
Exercise is a vital addition to the daily routine of a diabetic. Exercise helps us to reduce our weight and to burn calories. It can also play a part in the body's response to insulin production. Getting regular exercise can lead to proper, or at least improved maintenance of the body's glucose levels. Exercise is also important with regard to keeping the blood circulating correctly and efficiently. In addition to this, exercise can help reduce cholesterol and maintain blood pressure. Stress relief might also be boosted by regular exercise.
For diabetics, it might be worth trying exercises such as swimming and walking, particularly for those with type 2 diabetes. This form of the disease is normally found in adults, whereas type 1 is more commonly seen in children. Aerobic exercise in general can also help with the strengthening of cardiovascular muscles.
Strength training
Strength training is also an important factor in the maintenance of proper exercise regimes for diabetics. Weight lifting is the most common exercise with regard to building up ones strength. Push ups are another great way to build up strength. Exercise of this type can help to make everyday activities easier for diabetics. Osteoporosis can also be staved off or at least delayed through the undertaking of strength training.
It is important for diabetic patients to ensure that the exercise regime upon which they embark is safe. In order to ensure this is the case, a doctor should be consulted. For the most part, doctors will recommend that the patient stick to aerobic exercises such as jogging and walking. Deep breathing should also be undertaken in order to strengthen the heart. Patients suffering from problems with their nerves should not choose to undertake exercises such as swimming and cycling. Before performing any kind of exercise, it is vital that one warms up prior to doing so. In addition to this, one should try to allocate a cooling down period for after the exercise. Warming up and cooling down should both be allocated at least ten minutes.

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