Type 2 diabetes is a serious healthcondition, being related with improper production of insulin in ourbody. Usually, people who suffer from this type of diabetes have highlevels of blood glucose and low levels of insulin in their bodies,combined with general presence of insulin resistance, due to the factthat diabetes itself is a metabolic disorder.
People can manage preventing many ofthe common diabetes symptoms and complications through adequatemedical support. However, one of the crucial factors in stayinghealthy while suffering from diabetes is staying physically active.
Type 2 Diabetes
Some of the main problems which canstem from type 2 diabetes are strokes, heart attacks, eye and visionproblems, along with kidney failure. In some, more severe cases, eventhe limbs of the affected people can undergo serious health problemsand may need to be amputated. Furthermore, diabetes of this typecommonly manifest through hearing loss and a general decrease ofone's cognitive abilities.
Some of the most frequent side-effectsof suffering from diabetes type 2, apart from the above mentionedproneness to developing certain health conditions are frequenturination urges, increased levels of thirst and hunger, fatigue andweight loss.
Also, long term diabetics usuallydevelop conditions like Alzheimer's disease or vascular dementiaafter being exposed to diabetes for a significant number of years.
People initially start suffering fromdiabetes due to a combination of different factors, mostly one'slifestyle and genetics. As far as the prenatal factors areconcerned, health experts claim that both intrauterine growthrestriction or prenatal undernutrition can lead to the development ofdiabetes type 2. Other factors which lead to the development of thisdiabetes later in life are sedentary life deprived of regularphysical activity, smoking, excessive body weight, excessive alcoholindulgence and unhealthy diet.
Thus, by keeping these factors at bay,avoiding smoking, consuming alcohol within the limits of moderation,staying physically active and eating nothing but healthy and naturalfood, any person can decrease his/her susceptibility to diabetes bymore than 80%. However, bear in mind that this condition runs infamilies too and that some people who have relatives or close familymembers with a history of diabetes may be more prone to this illnessthat those individuals who are less unfortunate.
Nevertheless, staying physically activeis certainly a factor strong and healthy enough to prevent thedevelopment of diabetes type 2 and allow the people who alreadysuffer from this illness to keep its symptoms at bay.
In fact, combining a healthy diet,exercise and medical assistance is the most recommended step to take,once you confront this illness.
Physical Fitness and Type 2 Diabetes
Exercising makes your body use insulinbetter. Additionally, it burns the excessive calories you might have,decreasing the effects of diabetes type 2 and preventing it at thesame time, allowing your organism to control insulin production moreproperly. Furthermore, exercising increases your body strength,boosting your muscles and your bone density while, at the same time,lowering your blood pressure and protecting you against numerousdiseases which can be caused by high levels of blood cholesterol.Yet, this is not the end of benefits of physical activity practicedon a regular basis. Rather, this form of lifestyle will result inmore energy and an increased work capacity, reduced levels of stress,tension and anxiety and an overall relaxed and positive mood.
In order to understand how exercisingbenefits people who suffer from diabetes, we need to learn more aboutthe whole insulin production process. Namely, insulin is created fromthe pancreas once the levels of blood sugar increase. This escalationtakes place once we eat and the insulin produced stimulates the liverand muscles to deal with the excessive glucose better, balancing theoverall state of our organism into a healthy one.
Now, exercising requires energy and,fortunately, this energy is obtained from the very glucose in ourbody. Therefore, once we engage into serious physical activity, ourbody starts spending its glucose storages in order to grant us theenergy necessary for this form of performance, lowering our bloodsugar levels. However, you should not exercise when your blood sugarlevels are extremely high. Thus, it is best to consult aboutcombining rigorous exercising with diabetes type 2 with your doctorbefore engaging into such routines.
According to researches, about 16 weeksof strength training can balance sugar control in diabetics to alevel equal to the one managed by diabetes medications. Adding allthe benefits of exercising to the mix, it is not hard to realize thatphysical activity gets the upper hand, in comparison to medications.
Also, cardiovascular exercising hasnumerous benefits when it comes to maintaining your proper bloodsugar levels. So, do not neglect this form of physical activityeither.
All in all, staying physically activefor about 30 minutes a day, spending this time on moderate exercisingis something that most diabetes type 2 patients will benefit from. Donot spend more than 2 days without aerobic activity if you desire tocontrol your blood sugar levels properly and bear in mind thatstrength training is not be be neglected too, having a long-termpositive effect on your condition.
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