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Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition caused by the lack of insulin in the body or the inability of the tissue to properly respond to insulin. There are the two types of this condition, type 1 and type 2, but there is another type of diabetes, known as the gestational insulin, present in some pregnant women.

It is a widely spread disease, causing the people to have high levels of blood sugar. This condition might seriously affect a person’s health, and leading to the number of medical problems, including heart, nerve and eye problems.

This condition can’t be reversed, but the patients suffering from the insulin resistance (diabetes mellitus type 2) might control the medical situation to some point. These patients’ bodies produce enough insulin, but for some reason their body can’t use it and the cells in the body don’t’ respond to the insulin. As the result, they experience high levels of blood sugar and all the problems that come with diabetes.

The treatment for diabetes type 2 is usually insulin and/or some anti-diabetic medications.

Natural Ways to Control Diabetes

If the condition gets caught in the early stages, proper dieting and lifestyle changes might be enough to control the blood sugar.

Most specialists agree that the diabetic patients will do well with a vegetarian diet. The diet for the diabetics should be rich in plant fibers. All animal products, high in fat and proteins should be avoided at all cost. These patients should always avoid the food with plenty of carbohydrates, including white bread, sugar, sweetened drinks and bananas. Carbohydrates are not good for these patients, and they must try to avoid them.

Avoid fast food, caffeine, alcohol, smoking and stress in your life, if possible.

Diabetic patients often have problems with their weight. Being overweight is actually one of the risk factors for developing this condition. These patients should try to maintain a healthy weight, because it may slow the progress of the diabetes.

Physical exercise must be a daily routine for diabetics, as well as the maintenance of optimal blood pressure and normal blood cholesterol.

The healthy lifestyle will minimize the symptoms and potential risks of diabetes.

There are some natural medications, believed to be beneficial for diabetic patients. Always consult your doctor before you start such a therapy.

Prescribed medications for diabetes should be used exactly as they were prescribed. Do not skip the medications nor stop the treatment before you consulted your doctor.

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