The Greatest Party Breaker Ever
You may enjoy all the parties you want,drinking without control of self-preservation, enjoying the moment,the music, the great feeling of flying even though you are standingwith both of your feet on the ground, the room spinning around and other similar effects of alcohol consumption. However, after your night of heavy alcohol indulgence,things are bound to get more serious and less fun. Namely, hangovercomes with both guns blazing, usually at the very onset of the nextmorning, making you feel miserable and better off dead.
Some of the most common side-effect ofa previous night out drinking, at the same time being the main traitsof a well-deserved hangover, are headaches, nausea, dizziness,fatigue, sleepiness and other such sensations, making it impossiblefor you to function properly.
Basically, hangover is nothing morethan your body's reaction to the alcohol poisoning you provided itwith. Since our liver deals with alcohol to begin with, during theprocess of fermentation in digesting, it gets overwhelmed with thealcohol you add through drinking. Thereby, it cannot cope with it andmost of the alcohol ends up in your blood, brain and the rest of yourbody, causing you to feel drunk and, usually pleasantly, disoriented.Later on, once you start suffering from the hangover, your bodydesires to cleanse itself from all the toxins you have exposed it to.Hence all the symptoms of hangover troubling you the morning after.
Controlling Hangovers
There are certain beliefs related tohangovers. First of all, people claim that, the darker the drink is,the more likely you are to suffer from a hangover. Thus, beer, redwine and whiskey are the most dangerous drinking companions, likelyto stab you in the back once the thrill is gone.
Also, some people say that you shouldnever mix drinks, let alone drink something strong like vodka andthen continue with something light like a beer. Even though theseclaims are fairly true, the abundance of changes which affect ourbody after drinking excessively are the main reasons behind ourhangovers. Thus, smart drinking is the best possible cure.
Experts say that taking a spoon ofvegetable oil or butter an hour before drinking will make you morealcohol-tolerant and less prone to hangovers. Raw eggs or red caviarwill also do the trick and so do fried potatoes with mushrooms andcabbage.
However, avoid lamb, boiled fish andcheese and never combine alcohol with tea, water or sparkling drinks.
Also, when the damage has been done,you can always use some of the over-the-counter anti-hangover pills.Alternatively, 20 drops of mint tincture into a glass of water canhelp you the morning after. Some find cure in soup, pickles, garlicand many other meals. Americans, on the other hand, treat hangoverswith Coca Cola.
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