Almost the everyone experienced the consequences of too many drinks in theevening. You can’t get up, the head is killing you and making mere movement ishurtful. Next time, try not to mix so many different alcoholic drinks as theheadache will most certainly be milder. Eat before drinking to avoid extremesymptoms of hangover in the morning. Cigarettes and alcohol, combined, may leadto worst hangover you ever had, because of the accumulation of toxins fromboth, smoke and drinks.
Normally, the liver and the kidneys can detoxify the body. This processtakes time, more than couple of hours of sleep after heavy drinking. Headacheand tiredness you feel after a long night are associated with the accumulationof the toxins in the body. Symptoms of hangover are different in each person.People usually experience headaches, dehydration, thirst, weakness, anxiety orsadness, nausea, etc.
Sleep enough and try to rest after a late night in town. Drinking alcohol tocure the hangover won’t do anything good, just worsen the existing symptoms.Drink enough fluid (plain water is the best) after you wake up and take a lightmeal. It will prevent dehydration and effects to the brain and also relievenauseous feeling.
Be aware that overuse of alcohol may cause severe liver and pancreasproblems, and develop emotional addiction to alcohol.
Hangover Relief
Some of the herbs or supplements may prevent or ease the symptoms ofhangover.
Vitamin C (if used regularly) will most certainly ease the toxicity ofalcohol and hangover. Magnesium supplements will take away the tremor andtension often present after waking up. Complex of vitamins B in most people decreasethe toxicity of alcohol and decrease the craving for alcohol in some people.
Mixture of primrose oil and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is also considered tobe helpful in treating hangover.
For nausea, use non-carbonated ginger drinks, or a drop of Japanese mint oilon the tongue. Sometimes, gentian, peppermint or centaury herbal teas mightrelieve the upset stomach. Drink the mixture of peppermint and fennel emulsionin the water. It is said to soothe the stomach and ease the pain.
Hangover might trigger migraine. In that case use the tea, made of agrimony,centaury and wormwood. Mix the equal amounts of the herbs and use 2 tablespoonsof the mixture. Put it in the boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Filter thetea and use is as it is, without added sugar. It is believed to help in severeheadaches caused by hangover.
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