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Hangover Symptoms and Remedies

A hangover can last for a couple of hours but can also stretch up to a couple of days. The typical symptoms are headaches, nausea and fatigue, ripping headaches, dry mouth, sensitivity to noise and sometimes insomnia. Those symptoms are caused by deficiency of vitamin B12, hypoglycemia and dehydration.

Nausea is the result of alcohol on stomach lining, and the fatigue is caused by the inability of the liver to supply sufficient levels of glucose to the brain – which is its main energy source. Fusel oils and congeners which are also present in the drinks amplify the aforementioned effects.

At this time there is no known method of medicating a hangover except for patiently waiting for the effects to fade away by means of the liver reoxydising as the alcohol gets flushed out of the body. In other words the only way not to get a hungover is to practice moderation – bluntly put, not to get drunk. Also, increased intakes of water and, better still, fresh fruit juices can take care of rehydration faster than expected. Nonetheless, codeine and trilidine are known to address the effects of a hangover.

The effect of a hangover is even worse when alcohol is combined with the use of a narcotic. This is because of the depressant effect drugs have on the CSN in the afterglow of abuse. What one can do to reduce the effect of a hangover is get extra oxygen. It is not only cheap, but also increases the metabolism and speeds up the breaking down of toxins which cause the unpleasant state. Conclusively, spending your hangover outdoors is better than indoors despite the effect of magnesium deficiency causing light and sound hypersensitivity.

One of the things also known to reduce the effect of a hangover is the consumption of the extract of the prickly pear cactus fruit five hours prior to any intake of alcohol and/or drugs. The extract prevents the inflammatory mediators to produce, as thirst and nausea are prevented by the tolfenamic acid and vitamin B6 – also present in the extract –; whilst chloromethazole lowers the blood pressure, thus leading to a milder form of fatigue and drowsiness.

N-acetylcysteine has being studied excessively to prove if it can prevent a hangover effectively, since the extract appears to have just the right combination of chemicals suitable for curing a hangover. Lost moisture can be replaced with eggs and water.

To conclude, aside from the previously mentioned home made remedies (increased intakes of water, fruit, etc.) the best way to cure a hangover is not ever to get one in the first place.

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